A blustery walk and seaside picnic at the wonderfully quiet Winchelsea beach

One of my favourite things to do in the world is to go for a picnic followed by a long blustery walk along the pebbly beach at Winchelsea. My husband and I often take an annual trip to Rye and this walk has become part of the tradition. Armed with a picnic of pork pie, ginger beer, scotch eggs, stuffed peppers and apples from the excellent Rye Deli, we take our walking boots for a long hike to the often practically deserted stretch of seaside. The walk through the fields of sheep and cows is idyllic, and the fresh sea air when we have reached our destination is calm, revitalizing and delicious!
With picnic blanket, 1950’s hamper (the one Richard bought me for my 30th birthday) and homemade napkins in place it is such a wondrous afternoon to get away from it all and enjoy a proper seaside feast. We’re looking forward to taking our new addition, mini Levis, along with us on our next visit!
Images by Lisa Levis